Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Final 12 Concentration Photos

These are my final concentration photos. I am really happy that I was able to capture the creepy mood in each picture. I am also very happy with the contrast and value, and great lighting as well. I don't know why some of the pictures are rotated weird, but I tried to fix it in this post and it wouldn't let me.

More Pictures....

Here are two pictures of a broken mirrior with the image of someone looking into it. I like the one where you can see her face more because it gives off a depressed mood. I love the value and comtrast in this!
My final picture of someone leaving a hat on the bed.

Here are two pictures of someone leaving shoes upside down. I can't decide between these two. Help?
I'm leaning towards the top one, it gives more of a creepy and disturbing feeling.

More Final Photos

Here are two pictures of someone pushing in a chair at an unwelcomed house which is bad luck. These are my two favorite pictures, but I need some feedback on which one to use for my final image. Sorry that the bottom one is rotated weird, I don't know why the computer did that.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Week 7

These are some pictures that I took over spring break.. Please give me feedback!!!

Week 7

Over Spring Break, I took several photos that are portraying bad luck. I captured the moods and colors that I wanted to. I am currently working on editing and they will be up shortly!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Week 6

Whats Next:
This weekend I'm going to work on taking pictures of someone walking under a ladder and I'm going to try to find someone with a black cat, or I can use mine and just cover his black spots. I'm going to really be focusing on capturing strong contrast and value to give my pictures the more "creepy" effect. I'll also be taking pictures of things that are on my list on my blog. :)

Week 6

Does anyone have a black cat? Or know of where one hangs out at? I am trying to find a black cat to take a picture of for my concentration theme and I need help!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Week 6

Here's a few more bad luck superstitions that came up in more research...

A cat will try to take the breath from a baby
A bird in the house is a sign of a death
A hat on a bed will bring bad luck
Opening of Umbrellas Indoor

Week 6

Here are a few pictures that I have taken and edited that are going towards my theme of Bad Luck. I tried to capture a dark and gloomy mood in the color of my photos.

These pictures of someone picking up a tails-side-up penny is a symbol of bad luck.

Here are a few photos of split salt. Spilling salt is a traditional bad luck superstition. Please give me some feedback on how to make my photos look better and maybe some editing tips as well!

Here are two pictures of shoes that were left on a table. In the second one, I made the image black and white, but left the shoes the original color. I'm posting simliar pictures because I need feed back on what everythinks is the better one.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Week 5

I have decided on a concentration theme. I am going to do superstition bad luck symbols. This connects to me because I believe in good and bad superstition. Here is a list of bad luck symbols that I researched...
crossing your fingers represents the snake on a flag pole which is very bad luck.
Lighting 3 cigarettes with the same match
Breaking a mirror is 7 years bad luck.
walking under a ladder can bring instant bad luck for 1 week.
A black cat crossing your path can bring bad luck for 24 hours.
Picking up a Tails up penny can bring bad time limit.
Spilling salt can bring bad luck...counter it by shaking the shaker over your left shoulder.
Shouting/yelling before 12 noon on Sunday can bring bad luck.
Shouting loud to a neighbor before 12 noon on Sunday can bring bad luck.
Giving a knife to a friend or family without a penny back from them can sever a relationship.
Pushing in a chair at a table at a home you were invited to can mean you will never return.
Cutting hair on Suday can bring bad luck.
Putting your shoes on a table can bring bad luck.
Singing at the table while food is in front of you can bring bad luck.
stepping on a crack in a sidewalk,
refusing a kiss under mistletoe, having a hat on the bed
leaving your shoes upside down,
the number 4: bad luck in Japan, because one of the Japanese words for '4' is 'shi', meaning 'death'. the other word for 4, yon, is used more commonly for this reason.

writing a persons name in red: bad luck in Japan, considered a death omen (red is the color of blood)
A hole in the centre of a loaf of bread
Dropping a comb.

Week 5

Over the weekend, I took several pictures of things that cause bad luck. I'm currently working on editing the pictures and they'll be up next week.