Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Final 12 Concentration Photos

These are my final concentration photos. I am really happy that I was able to capture the creepy mood in each picture. I am also very happy with the contrast and value, and great lighting as well. I don't know why some of the pictures are rotated weird, but I tried to fix it in this post and it wouldn't let me.


  1. I really like the idea of your concentration, and that you worked with black and white. I think it really worked with your idea. My only critique would be to try different angles of the hat and shoe pictures and play with the contrast.

  2. I think you did a good job with value and contrast and creating the same "bad luck" feeling throughout your series. There were a couple pictures where I wasn't exactly sure why it was bad luck but other than that, your pictures are great!

  3. Your concentration is super creative and I like how you did it. The only picture I might try playing with the editing or retake the hat picture. I just think you take better pictures than that one. But otherwise I love the mood of all of your pictures, and the way you took them.

  4. Nice idea of taking pictures of bad luck! I liked how each was portrayed, like the above though some are a little hard to know why they're bad luck but then again we might just not know or be familiar with them. Maybe help us non-knowers know, like a dyptic that's always fun. but good job.

  5. Your theme is very interesting and unique. I like how all the pictures almost portray an "eery" feeling because of the dark, mysterious lighting. Really cool. The only thing I would change is the chair picture, because it is slightly unclear. Maybe you could play around with the contrast and it would fix the clarity?Otherwise, great job, I was immediately intrigued by the cool theme indea.

  6. I like your theme. Its something different. The photos are nicely taken. The only thing you could change is maybe turn some of the photos around. Like the 10th one. But other then that great job!(:

  7. I dont get the connection in the first and third shoe picture? Other than that your portfolio is very strong and I love the use of red in the last picture!

  8. Nice work! I really like the mood your series creates. The only thing I would change would be cropping the picture of the hat, so it isn't so straight on. Your theme is very unique. Great job!

  9. I liked how all of your pituers you had this creepy ominuos feeling to them. I think that yout them is great and something not many would think of doing.I think that mabey you could retake the one with the hat? mabey at a diffrent angle? either way good job :)

  10. I didn't know some of the superstitions that you tried to convey but th ones I did were great. I think maybe different lighting on the hat picture would make it stand out more. I kind of like the way you have to crane your neck to see the don't step on a crack one, it's almost like you might harm yourself by trying to see it upright.

  11. these are really interesting, and intriguing to look at. they all have the same mood and that makes them flow together really, really, nicely!

  12. taylor, your series sets a nice mood, your photos are interesting and set off a nice light and color.

  13. I think that your concentration is really interesting. I could tell what superstition you were going for in each of your pictures, so congrats on that because they are easy to decipher and they are composed nicely. You have a great sense of mood in all of your photos that unifies them while the subject matter creates variety. Overall I think you have a great portfolio!

  14. I love your concentration theme to begin with, Taylor. Also, the composition and lighting in each image is very interesting and demonstrates excellent skill. The only thing I suggest you change is the rotation in the 6th and 10th images.
