Thursday, March 8, 2012

Week 5

I have decided on a concentration theme. I am going to do superstition bad luck symbols. This connects to me because I believe in good and bad superstition. Here is a list of bad luck symbols that I researched...
crossing your fingers represents the snake on a flag pole which is very bad luck.
Lighting 3 cigarettes with the same match
Breaking a mirror is 7 years bad luck.
walking under a ladder can bring instant bad luck for 1 week.
A black cat crossing your path can bring bad luck for 24 hours.
Picking up a Tails up penny can bring bad time limit.
Spilling salt can bring bad luck...counter it by shaking the shaker over your left shoulder.
Shouting/yelling before 12 noon on Sunday can bring bad luck.
Shouting loud to a neighbor before 12 noon on Sunday can bring bad luck.
Giving a knife to a friend or family without a penny back from them can sever a relationship.
Pushing in a chair at a table at a home you were invited to can mean you will never return.
Cutting hair on Suday can bring bad luck.
Putting your shoes on a table can bring bad luck.
Singing at the table while food is in front of you can bring bad luck.
stepping on a crack in a sidewalk,
refusing a kiss under mistletoe, having a hat on the bed
leaving your shoes upside down,
the number 4: bad luck in Japan, because one of the Japanese words for '4' is 'shi', meaning 'death'. the other word for 4, yon, is used more commonly for this reason.

writing a persons name in red: bad luck in Japan, considered a death omen (red is the color of blood)
A hole in the centre of a loaf of bread
Dropping a comb.

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